
Italian Girl Meets Irish Boy

I know this post is seriously late, but with my busy schedule, I figure it's better late than never.

March 17th always reminds Mike and I of our first St. Patty's Day together. He took me (Lisa MARIANO) to a St. Patrick's Day dinner and party with his friends. I grew up eating pasta 3 nights a week, and had never EVER celebrated St. Patrick's Day. We arrive at this party and the conversation went like this:

Mike: So, you want to get something to eat.

Lisa: Sure, I guess. (Together we walk to the buffet table and each pick up a plate.)

Mike: Well, what do you want?

Lisa: (Squinting her eyes and looking for a dish that she recognizes, now sees a plate that resembles meat. Now her nose turns up.) Ummm, I don't think I want to eat that ham, really.

Mike: (Eyesballs bulging out of his head) Lisa, that's corned beef!

Lisa: Well, whatever. I'm not eating it. I've never eaten it and I'm not doing it now. (She sees clear looking worms in a pan.) What's that?

Mike: Cabbage.

Lisa: Huh. (She returns the plate to the pile.)

Mike: Please don't tell anyone about this conversation.

Now, 5 years later, I make delicious corned beef and cabbage in the slowcooker AND eat it!

This beer is for show. I ordered it and gave it to Mike. We did an Irish Car Bomb, and then I ordered a margarita.

This guy, HENEGHAN, had a lot more than me.


what kind of day do you think I'm having?

Happy thought of the day:
6:00am- I love "Born This Way" by Lady Gaga! It really gets me going at the gym!

All my other thoughts for the day:
At the gym...
6:15am- How much more do I have to go?
6:20am- Does that girl really think that I think that she doesn't see me? Seriously, I don't want to say hello to you either, but I was taught that you should wave, say hello, and be polite. Two words: white trash.
6:30am- Maybe I need an "ugly friend" to go to the gym with. Other people here are clearly doing it. That guy even has "back-up ugly friends"
At home...
7:15am- Is this scale right? Kill me...
7:30am- Why is Willie chewing on the SECOND pair of earbuds I have bought?
7:45am- Great. No clean pans to make eggs.
8:00am- Coffee smells terribly burnt thanks to my abuse of Afrin over the last week.
8:15am- I should be at work already.
8:30am- 4:30pm- School. Need I say more?
On my way home...
4:30pm- Where in GOD's name did you learn that merging onto the highway going 35mph is a safe idea?
4:35pm- Or that driving below the speed limit is appropriate?
4:36pm- Of course you are getting off of my exit and I will have to follow you home.
At home...
5:00pm- Mail: bill, bill, bill.
5:15pm- Wonder what we're gonna have for dinner since I forgot to take something out.
5:20pm- Just remembered we're completely out of alcoholic beverages.
5:30pm- I'm sick of doing laundry. If I was ever to come upon a large sum of money, I would hire a maid.

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