
Retail Therapy

After a difficult week, I was cranky, tired, anxious, and getting sick... again. I found myself on Friday morning with NOTHING to wear. So, at 6:30am that morning, I emailed my mother and she and I decided to go shopping for lots of clothes to wear to work. The deals were fantastic, and I am so happy we took advantage!

Beside the pants, skirts, and shirts-

Mom treated me to a Coach purse with a wallet.

Boots at Bass & Co. were buy 1 get 2 free! I'm not sure what I am going to do with 3 pairs of boots, but they are very nice.

Then, on Sunday, Mike took me apple picking at March Farm in Bethlehem, CT. We got quite a variety. I personally like the tiny Golden Delicious.

I also picked up a couple of pumpkins to decorate our front steps. This picture has now made me realize that the pumpkin on the right is not as round as I thought it was. But, the choices were limited because part of the farm flooded.

And I finally got some mums to put in the front of the house. I love the white ones!

My final purchase of the weekend was my Sleepytime Tea. It puts me right to sleep, and better yet, I stay asleep through the night!

Now it's Monday morning, and I feel like a million bucks! Maybe that's because I also feel like I spent a million bucks. Either way, my mood is lifted, and I realize that Tammy has a point:

I always say shopping is cheaper than a psychiatrist. ~Tammy Faye Bakker


  1. Fun! The other random thing is that my two pumpkins are sitting in the same spot at my house. Sitting pretty, waiting to be carved!

  2. Looks like the perfect weekend! Shopping spree with mom and freshly picked apples! Can't go wrong there!


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