After a long break from the garden, Mike and I got back to work on it and it looks great. Well, it's not pretty, but it will be when the veggies start to grow. We are using grass clippings to keep the weeds down, so it's a little icky looking. But, it will save me a lot of time weeding. We have peppers, tomatoes, squash, zucchini, eggplant, and LOTS of cucumbers. We are saving room for beets and beans, I think. The gigantic plant in the front of the picture is rhubarb. I just might try to make strawberry rhubarb pie. But, don't hold your breath.
In the 90 degree weather today, we planted 2 baby Japanese Maple trees and 2 Rose of Sharon. Hopefully they will make it through this nasty heat and humidity. We are hoping to put a fence in front of these little trees to spruce up the front yard. They look so tiny and silly, but when they get bigger I think it will be nice.
My peonies are starting to bloom. They are very pretty.
Lastly, I like that my rhododendron are blooming, but the harsh winter killed parts of them. When they are finished blooming, I'm going to need to cut the dead parts out. Hopefully, I won't have to take all of them down because I like the way they look in the back corner of the yard.